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BackSpecial Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
At Sedgefield Hardwick Primary School we are aware that some pupils will experience special needs at some stage of their school life. In co-operation with the Head Teacher, the Governing Body determines the school’s policy and approach for special needs provision. Within special educational needs, attention is given to the more able children as well as those experiencing difficulties.
A member of the governing body has been appointed governor with special responsibility for SEND. The day-to-day management is delegated to the SENCO, Mr Close, who is the main point of contact and always willing to meet the parents of those pupils with special needs. He can be contacted through the School Office.
Sedgefield Hardwick Primary School welcomes all children in the community. We ensure that all children have the same opportunity to fulfil their potential and to participate in all areas of school life including access to the National Curriculum. The school continues to take its duties to children with SEND and disabilities very seriously and will take all reasonable steps to admit children with SEND and give them the fullest possible access to premises and the curriculum. The school has adopted plans, which are reviewed annually by governors, for progressively and over time increasing access to the school for disabled pupils. These include physical improvements and changes to policies and practices where these are appropriate and possible.
The SEND resources, including staffing, continue to be extended. They are used to support class and lower set teachers to meet the needs of the pupils with special educational needs. Evaluations of our SEND provision are positive- acknowledging our strengths in meeting the needs of all our pupils.
The school supports children with SEND in a number of ways by:
employing additional support staff to help children with SEND;
screening each class to identify children with SEND and reviewing their needs and programmes of learning .
setting targets and discussing them with the SENCO so that individual progress is monitored;
providing specialist resources where possible and appropriate;
bringing in specialist support from the Local Authority and from Special Schools for individual children as appropriate;
involving other agencies such as health services and voluntary organisations as appropriate;
the use of the Speech and Language Service;
involving parents of children identified as having SEND as much as possible including inviting them to attend regular reviews;
providing in-service training for school staff to ensure good support for pupils with SEND;
using the Behaviour Improvement Policy to support and encourage good behaviour in school;
ensuring the designated governor for Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) has regular contact with the teacher responsible for co-ordinating SEND provision at the school and thereby ensuring the monitoring and evaluation processes that are undertaken take place on an annual basis.
If you would like to discuss your SEND requirements in detail please contact the school to arrange an appointment.
For more information about our SEND offer at Sedgefield Hardwick Primary Academy, please click here.